Monday, July 25, 2016


I have moved from this site to a new web site!  yay!!  Its way easier for me to use and hopefully I will use it way more. 



Hope you like it!  love you all!!  


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

I am me.

I recently went onto the Bell Lets Talk website and the End the Stigma website, which are pretty awesome.
 I really enjoyed the "remember this" page in End The Stigma. There's a line that says "Instead of saying I Am, try saying, I Have. For example instead of, I Am Bipolar, say I Have Bipolar Disorder".
Now I myself have a very hard time saying I Have Schizophrenia disorder. I say I am Schizophrenic
 I can't help that I have it. Nor can I beat myself up for having it. I just have to love and accept myself. It will take some time before I can talk about myself kindly however I'm willing to work on it.
 I hope whatever you have in your life you will learn to accept and love every part of yourself.


Thursday, January 14, 2016

Real Talk.

Hi. I'm Morgan and here is the last year of my life.
But first, here is how I got to this last year.
At the 2014 tsukino con. (That's a geek convention for all the muggles) there was a panelist who talked about over coming anxiety. I loved it. He talked well and was easy to understand. Now I knew I had anxiety, who can blame me I do live with a epipen in my back pocket.
 Anyway. He talked on how his anxiety turned into depression and then how he over came it. He gave lessons on how to overcome our own anxiety. Then met with kids who he had helped.
Now I would not have dreamed that I had depression.  Come on. I'm that happiest person I know!! I'm allways smiling and  My life is pretty good, I don't have any troubles. However that thought on depression kept nagging at me. I looked up  symptoms and checked off on most, but I pushed the thought aside and kept going on with my life. I had a great job at thriftys with people I loved to be around. So why did I keep thinking to myself I need to talk to someone.
Flash forward to January 2015. After many visits to my family doctor. And many different medications. She gave me a note that I was to stop going to work immediately and head over to a mental health clinic. I was crushed.  I hated leaveing my job. My managers and coworkers were so kind and told me to take my time. I didn't know how long it would actually take.
At my first visit to the MHC I was scared stiff.  I didn't want to go. Mom sat in the car as I walked in to the waiting room. A small lady came out and brought me into her office. I have come to know it well. There are two lamps with dragonflys because she doesn't like the sound the fluorescent lights make. There are plants, books and pigs. She loves collecting pigs. I've counted all of them. (There are 62) as we started she patted my knee and told me to just talk about myself. We talked about my family and my job also everything I liked to do. She gave me sheets of tests and a small candy to suck on as I filled them out.  When I gave them back she nodded her head and told me she would see me next week. After weeks of visits she called in a psychiatrist to help diagnose me. They told me that I had anxiety and depression. "Ok. I will come to accept that. And fight to get over it".  I thought at the time. The next part was the scariest. Once I started opening up to the therapist she started to hear me talk about many parts of my life that I didn't know we're a problem. The psychiatrist was called again and this time they both diagnosed me with PTSD and Schizophrenia. For those who don't know PTSD stands for Post Tamatic Stress Diaorder. Soldiers who have been in fire fight have come back home with PTSD. I have it from so many times having a anaphylactic allergies reaction then rushing to the hospital while I struggle to breath. Schizophrenia is a brain disorder where I hear tapping sounds and see shadows that are not there. Not to be confused with multiple personality disorder.
My doctors started me on many different medications and treatments. Including  Group zen.
Now at this time I was lost. I didn't knowi what to do with myself or what I should do. So I started to go to Group. At first I hated it. It sucked. You talked about how you were feeling and why you were feeling that way with a room full of people that you don't know. However, when the Group ended 16 sessions later I was so sad. I had come to realize that there were people out there just as lost as I was and that brought me comfort.
After the sessions ended I found a medication that worked for me. It didn't make me tired and I was starting to feel happy.
The first time I actually felt joy in a long time was when I went to Vancouver with my mom, aunt and cousin. We went to see Broadway: The Lion King. As we sat down in the theatre I felt this surge of joy, the show haven't even started yet. . And I started to cry. I think I confused my aunt because she started fussing over our seating arrangement. But I'll I could do was cry. I haven't felt happy  in a long time. It felt so good. I wanted to sing.
The show ended and I was still on cloud nine. I didn't want the feeling to end. I sang. I joked with my cousin. I felt normal.
Now coming to this date January 14, 2016. I was discharged from the Mental Health Clinic on Monday. This doesn't mean that my mental health treatment will end. But it dose mean I can go back to my family doctor. I'm going to a group art studio every week with others who need to reeducate themselves just as I do with being and feeling normal again.  I am feeling better then I have in forever. It is still so hard for me to be in a group setting. Or talk to people normally, but I'm getting there. I know I may not get back to my life how it was and I know I won't be able to do a lot of things like I used to.  But I will become better at new things.
This year  hads been a learning one. I am so grateful for my life that God has blessed me with.
 My mom allways said that we have to do our hardest. Then God will meets half way and bless us for working hard. And I really felt that. I worked hard on figuring out how to live with my illnesses and when I got to the point where I could not do anymore. I started to see blessings to help me on my journey.

Im writing this at 1:30am and I keep looking on how much I've grown and I cry. Thank you for reading my Real Talk. It I mean a lot to me.
If you think that you might have depression talk to someone. It's not something to be ashamed of or scared of. It's something you should talk  about and figure out.

I hope you have a very nice day.

Cheers MOrgan. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Hard Week

This week has been hard.  As in I flew all the way to mars just to jump off. I keep hoping that my new medication will kick in.  But so far I just feel crappy, tired, irritable, paranoid and sad all the time.  Today I spent most of the day crying and I could not stop it.  And trying to hide it from my two sibling was hard. Most of the time I just said I poked my eye.
I remember when I was swimming last summer out pretty far on the west side of the island.  I was never scared of the water or animals that live in the ocean so I would push my limits when I swam.  I had my flippers and snorkel on and dived down for a shell when I got caught by some netting someone threw away.  I didn't panic and grabbed for the net.  I can hold my breath for along time so I wasn't worried.  After a while of me trying to untangle myself I could feel my lungs start straining. scared now I cut my hands pulling on the lines of the net. I got free but I got mad at myself for not having a back up plan. All the people I know that dive or snorkel carry a dive knife for a safety back up plan.
Working thru my life now I try and give myself a back up plan for safety.
Since I still don't have my mental self under control or steady yet My back up plan consists of Doctor visits and my family.
I hope that I will be able to live with it and not in fear of it soon. but until then Ill just keep to my Doctor visits every two weeks.

Kindest Regards,


Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Halloween was so much fun.  We did trunk or treating which is like the traditional trick or treating but we have all our vehicles in our church parking lot with the trunks decorated and then kids can go from trunk to trunk in a well lit area!  We also invite our fire dept to come and participate so they bring one of their fire trucks.  It's a blast and my family loves it!!
I love dressing up and it took forever but it was so worth it!!  I was a sugar skull or skeleton and it took about 2 hours to get the make up on.....crazy right!
There was fireworks and a huge bonfire but I think the best part was when I took my brothers to a haunted house after and got pizza with my sisters friend.  It was just nice to hang out!
Hope you had a great halloween!
